Scientific Guidelines

Delegate Prize Paper Free Paper E Poster
PG Prize Paper Free Paper E Poster


Last date for Abstract Submission is 1st November 2024.

Currently ONLY E-POSTER ( All Categories) Submission is Ongoing.
Each Registered Person can present either 1 paper or poster.
Abstract Submission for Prize & Free Paper is Closed.
New PGs registered without SLM numbers can also submit Abstract.
Only AOMSI members can submit the Abstract.
One Registered Delegate/PG can present One Paper and One Poster Only.
To become a AOMSI member Click here.
Conference Registration is Compulsory for Submitting Abstract
The Presentation type is Oral for Paper Presentation and Electronic for Poster Presentation.
Fill the Abstract Submission Form Provided on the Website after Logging using your Registration Number.
Topic has to be selected from the List given in the Abstract Submission Form.
The Presenting Author / First Author must Submit the Abstract and will act as the Main Point of Correspondence.
Each Podium presentation will be of 8 minutes with 2 minutes for Q&A.
Abstract Word Limit is 250 words.
E-Poster Presentations must be in JPEG Image Format with 1280 X 720 Pixels and minimum resolution of 96 Pixels / Inch.
E-Poster can also be a PPTX Slide of 16:9 Ratio converted to JPEG Image of minimum resolution of 96 pixels / Inch
An electronic acknowledgement will be sent automatically on submission of your abstract. If you do not receive this within 24 hrs of submitting the abstract, please contact


The Prize Paper (both Delegates and PG) has to be Submitted by 8th December 2024

Abstracts submitted under PRIZE PAPER CATEGORY will be blinded and reviewed by the Scientific Committee based on their Scientific Merit. No clarifications in this matter will be sought.
Any Paper Submitted under PRIZE PAPER , if rejected , shall be automatically converted to the FREE PAPER category.
Where applicable you are strongly advised to include Result Data in your abstract. Statements such as “ the data or results will be presented ” are discouraged.
The corresponding authors will be notified of the outcome of their selection to PRIZE category , after the completion of the last date of all abstract submission.


Last date for submission of Manuscript is 8th November 2024
Manuscript should be in word format preferably Times New Roman font of size 12 with double spacing.
The manuscript should not be longer than 2500 words excluding references.
Total number of references should not exceed beyond 25
Pictures, tables or charts(maximum 4 each)should be included wherever required.
Graphs and images –The maximum file size of each graph/image is 500KB. The maximum pixel size of the graph/image is 600(w) x 800(h) pixel. You may upload graphs in JPG, GIF or PNGformat.

NEW Guidelines for Delegate and Post Graduate Scientific Paper Presentation NEW

Last date to upload Final Presentation is 4th December 2024

Each presentation is allotted 6 minutes, followed by an additional 2 minutes for discussion.

Format for Oral Presentation

Presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint (pptx) or Keynote with a 16:9 (WIDE) aspect ratio will be accepted. No other formats will be entertained.
All presentations are to be made in landscape layout.
For privacy and copyright reasons, all presenters are encouraged to watermark their slides, block the eyes, or identity of patients in photographs.
Carry a copy of all video files associated with the presentation in MP4 format, along with the presentation as a single folder.

Instructions to Presenters

All presenters are encouraged to review their presentations in preview rooms to ensure optimal slide, audio, video, or animation performance.
Presentations on personal laptops/tabs/USB devices are not permitted.
Presenters have to upload their presentations at 48th AOMSI Website within 20 MB.
Changes to submitted presentations will be allowed until six hour before the start of the session at the preview room. No edits will be accepted thereafter.
Only material submitted online or at preview room will be allowed for presentation.
All presenters are requested to adhere to the allotted time.
A digital reverse timer will be displayed on the stage.
There will be automatically programmed, two reminder bells; 1st bell- 2 minutes prior to time lapse and 2nd long bell at the end of the stipulated time, to indicate the conclusion of presentation.
The audio/video will be freezed automatically in a few seconds after the stipulated time period.
Kindly assemble at your respective presentation halls at least 30 minutes before the start of the session.
Report to the facilitators/hall conveners, who will help you to your seats in the front row.
All presenters are requested to remain in the hall till the end of their respective sessions and the discussion time.
Kindly contact the hall conveners for any further assistance.

NEW Guidelines for E - Poster NEW

Presentations will be sequenced according to the Day, Hall, Session and Time.
Kindly check the website for your presentation schedule, session, and time slot.
All posters accepted for the 48 AOMSI 2024, Kolkata, will only be displayed in digital format. Physical posters are not allowed. The submissions are subject to review by the Scientific Committee of the 48 AOMSI 2024.

Format for E-Poster

The digital display monitors ( 42 inches LED TV ) will be oriented in Landscape style (i.e. "Horizontal Orientation").
E-poster presenters have to prepare their poster jpg/jpeg/pdf format only upto maximum of 10MB and upload prior at the 48th AOMSI website.
The maximum number of slides that can be used is ONE SLIDE.
The slides should be in 16:9 (WIDE) format only.
There should be no videos or animations attached.

Fonts and Sizes

A minimum size of the 8-point font is recommended for optimal clarity.
Detailed texts in large paragraphs may be avoided.


All color photos and graphics should be compliant with an RGB color profile, not CMYK.
Do not incorporate low-resolution images that appear jagged or pixelated on your computer monitor.

Mandatory Information to be included on E-Poster

Name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s) and country.
Structured content (Introduction; Methods; Result; Conclusion) as applicable.
Declaration of conflict of interest and funding for author(s).

Content Prohibited on E-Poster

DO NOT include the official logos Of the Conference, Association, or Host Society on your E-Poster.
DO NOT include commercial messages, commercial logos or registered trademarks on your E-Poster.
Use ONLY generic names to identify drugs, devices, products and services.

Conference Secretariat

Prof. Dr. Rajarshi Banerjee
Mouth Face & Jaw Clinic
No 11/3 , Ground Floor
Old Ballygunge Lane , Ballygunge
Kolkata - 700019

Technical Partner

A1 Logics
0824 - 4252005 / 0824 - 3563080
(Working Hour : 09.00AM - 06.00PM)

For queries related to Accommodation contact

Dr. Sudipto Sahoo

+91 80178 92833

For queries related to Scientific contact

Dr. Siddhartha Chakraborty

+91 99030 90062

For queries related to Registration contact

Dr. Richi Burman

+91 9903987336